Word Magic

I’m obsessed with energetics, frequency, and ritual.

The vibrational potency of words in particular is at the core of everything I do, so in ritual the words I write and speak feel like magic. 

Sometimes it’s deeply healing, sometimes it’s poetic, sometimes it’s in blissful creation, literally writing my future story. 

And sometimes that story is a chaotic hot mess! #humanaf

Words are energetic expressions that whoosh out into the universe and literally come back in material form, whether it’s what we want or not. For me speaking them is even more potent (if you know Human Design, I have a defined throat chakra with 6 gates activated!) but what you think is just as important.

Negative words are energetic junk food, so here’s a simple little exercise to clean up words, and therefore your world:

1. Over the course of a day or so, write down the top 10 words & phrases in your vocabulary, either spoken or thought. The more precise your list, the more precise your positive manifesting power can become.

2. Note how many words are higher vibration (eg. willing, love, abundant, can, hope, easy, fun) and how many are lower vibration (eg. hopeless, can’t, idiot, no way, boring, hard, hate)

3. Now cross out the lower vibe word/s and replace with a more positive word/s.

4. Put the new words on sticky notes around the house, change your computer password or find another fun way to help remind you to shift your language.

5. Every time you drink water, speak your new words into the glass or mug and allow your body to infuse the words.

This little trick works wonders, and is also a great way to integrate any new word into your vocabulary so let me know how your experiment goes!

Sally Jane Friday

Words… my thing

Writing… my therapist

Chocolate… my drug of choice

Storytelling… my f*cking obsession


The Magic Of Sacred Space & Rituals to Ignite Creativity


Forgiveness Cacao ceremony